Friday, November 13, 2009

Travelin' Man

Wow! Time sure flies! I have been traveling for what seems like an eternity and let my blog slip into the foggy past.

Speaking of fog, I was in San Francisco recently and rode a bike over the Golden Gate Bridge, through Sausalito and Tiburon, up toward the huge Sequoias of the Muir Woods, and back to San Francisco. What a fantastic ride! Going out in the morning, the bridge was shrouded in fog. The towers were just emerging out of this Sherlock Holmes like mist and the fog horn was blasting a haunting and curiously lonely sound every 15 seconds. Looking over the railing, I could barely see the gray water crashing against the pilings. It is truly weird how such a scenario can make you feel like you are about to fall into a murky abyss---even with a shoulder height rail to hold on to.

I was stopped and fumbling through my jacket for my phone to call Jim (my life long friend and workout partner who had phoned me when he was running across the same bridge months earlier). I had on gloves and felt like I was going to drop the phone in the bay just trying to get it out of my pocket. I looked down at the water one more time and decided I needed to move as far from the railing as I could just to keep from being drawn over the side. It was eerie. Eerie, but cool too. I felt fine when I started moving again.

Much later, coming back over the bridge, the sky was robin egg blue and there must have been 1,000 sail boats on the bay, sails fully billowed against a stiff breeze as they all seemed to race for a common prize---joy.

Who needs a gym? I don't need no stinkin' gym!

Yours in health,


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