It is clear that I am just starting out with this blog and it is important to me from the beginning that all who come to this site believe in my sincerity and enthusiasm for helping folks get "Fit For The Ages". I will not endorse any product that I do not personally have the utmost faith in based on in depth research and personal testing. In fact most of my postings will have nothing to do with endorsements of any kind. There are just a few products with which I feel nearly everyone would benefit. I would be short changing my readers if I did not mention them.
That said, I am dying to tell you about my love affair with my TRX.
If I were on a desert island, I would definitely want to have my TRX.
In fact, it is far and away the most important item in my exercise tool kit. Weighing less than two pounds, I can take it anywhere and, trust me, I do.
So, just what is a TRX?
Well, it is an elegantly simple apparatus designed by a Navy Seal. Don't get nervous, most anyone can easily use and benefit greatly from it. With this single piece of equipment you can perform over 240 body weight exercises. It is great for strength, balance, cardio and core conditioning.
It is essentially a glorified parachute strap with adjustable handles that you can throw over a door or around a beam or tree limb and get a great whole body workout where ever you are. Instead of me reinventing the wheel trying to describe it in detail, please click on the TRX banner on this blog for all the information you need to decide if it is for you. Please do not be put off by the youth and conditioning of the subjects you see on this site. I promise you, if you are not paralyzed, you can use this piece of equipment.
I use my TRX almost daily, as do most of my clients. Whether they are a 400 pound woman just starting back on a healthy lifestyle, an 82 year old man, or very fit and strong athletes, (these are folks I have personally trained using the TRX) they all receive optimal benefits in all areas of conditioning.
So, check it out and give it a shot. There is a money back guarantee.
This is one of those things where, after you try it, you are likely to slap your forehead and say, "Wow! How simple, why didn't I think of that". I know I wish I did.
Yours in health,
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